
Defined in include/graph.hpp

struct perfData

Struct to hold performance metrics (Total MST weight and elapsed time to calculate)

Public Members

int mstWeight
double duration
enum Algorithm

List of algorithms used in MST calculation


enumerator KRUSKAL
enumerator PRIM
template<Algorithm alg = KRUSKAL>
class Graph

Public Functions

Graph() = default
Graph(std::string &filename)

Constructor to create Graph object from a file.

Template Parameters
  • alg: which algorithm to be used in MST calculation

  • filename: File that contains the adjacency list representation of graph

Graph(const char *filename)

Constructor to create Graph object from a file.

Template Parameters
  • alg: which algorithm to be used in MST calculation

  • filename: File that contains the adjacency list representation of graph

perfData computeMST()

Calculate MST of the entire graph by either Kruskal’s or Prim’s based on the initialization of the graph.


perfData struct that has elapsed time and MST weight

perfData recomputeMST(const Edge &e)

Update the existing MST with the additional edge provided.


perfData struct that has elapsed time and MST weight

  • e: Edge to be added

struct Edge

Struct to hold weighted directed edge information

Public Members

unsigned src
unsigned dest
int weight